Increase efficiency



Thanks to full knowledge in the field of process automation, we are able to integrate many operating systems and subsystems into one coherent, functional and effective production system.
Centrally integrated production plants operate: better, more efficiently, with full use of technological and technical possibilities, and an appropriate level of diagnostics, media monitoring, acquisition of production parameters along with their presentation and analytics makes production possible with greater control and precision of planning.

We have seen many times that the integration of control systems, global implementation of MES systems for production management, or appropriate reporting and presentation of production data make the efficiency of production lines and OEE indicators significantly increase the values.

As part of the process of integrating industrial automation systems, we offer:

  • technical advice, analysis and concept development
  • production data acquisition systems
  • analysis, processing and presentation of data, data exchange between systems
  • MES systems
  • integration with ERP systems
  • selection of technical solutions for the integration of control systems
  • automation of missing connections
  • network communications, information systems
  • building new control systems, improving, modernizing
  • implementation of new applications, functional tests
  • system optimization and development


Integrated control systems make all production processes more efficient.

Main benefits of the integration process:

  • more efficient production
  • instant access to data
  • data communication and presentation
  • control over production processes
  • lowering production costs

We are an integrator of industrial automation systems.

What does that mean exactly?


Being authorized integrators of the world’s largest manufacturers in the field of automation, we have the appropriate competence to migrate solutions to the currently offered products and modern solutions in the field of industrial automation.


Thanks to the use of the most modern solutions in the field of automation, we ensure that a well-designed technological line quickly achieves its assumed quality and performance parameters.

Systems integration

Thanks to full knowledge in the field of process control and automation, we are able to integrate many operating systems and subsystems into one coherent, functional and effective production system. Centrally integrated production facilities run better and more efficiently.

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About us

iPS Control® is the automation of industrial processes. We are an integrator and a leading engineering company in Poland providing global support for investment projects for the industry

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Contact us

Poznańska street 23
Jasin 62-020
(post office: Swarzędz)

+ 48 61 840 80 26

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