Investment description
Delivery of computers and licenses for the control system, system security and improvement of work ergonomics
- delivery of a redundant pair of SCADA system servers (Braumat)
- delivery of 6 customer stations (Braumat)
- SCADA application changes, screen modifications, introduction of functionalities to improve the production process
- changes in user identification and access
- introduction of automatic system backup mechanisms
- rebuilding the network infrastructure, securing the system from the network side
- ensuring complete safety of service
- full protection of the system against access from the outside
- improvement of work ergonomics
- ensuring the continuity of the system operation for the coming years
- Siemens rack servers with disk mirroring and HOT SPARE
- two-monitor client stations in a Siemens rack with disk mirroring and HOT SPARE
- managed switches with access restrictions
- delivery of a rack cabinet for client stations